There's a Counting Crows song titled "Long December" that Ben and I play every year on New Year's Eve. The chorus goes "It's been a long December and there's reason to believe that maybe this year will be better than the last." That pretty much sums up this month perfectly. It's been an incredibly long month, full of ups and mostly downs. But at the end of it all - I'm still hopeful for the new year to come and looking forward to the changes it's sure to bring.
It's times like these that make me truly miss my normal, everyday life... weekends spent at home with the hubby and the pups, slow trips down a long dirt road, evenings in front of our cozy fireplace and hour-long, relaxing baths with a good book. I've been back and forth between Waycross and here so much lately that I barely have enough time to wash my laundry and re-pack for the next trip home. Mom's still in CCU, but doing better. Hopefully, January will bring lots of hope for her, as well. So, thank you to those who have hung in there with us and supported us throughout this long month, and here's to the New Year and all the little promises of happier times it carries with it.
Love to all!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Random stuffs I'm in {L O V E} with at the moment...

{pretty red pitcher from Sur La Table}

{in L O V E with the lovely, modern vintage feel of Brianna Graham's photographs - absolutely in L O V E !}

{Red crocheted hat - ANY crocheted hat - on a precious baby! So adorable!!}
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Mom's Visit

Mama, Nanny and my niece, Brandie came for a visit a couple of weekends ago and we had a wonderful time. Ate dinner together at the house Friday night and spend Saturday shopping in Savannah. Then Ben and I took them down to our favorite resturaunt on River Street Sat. night for dinner. We had a wonderful time by the water. Feeling the lovely breeze off the water, watching the big container ships go by. Even spotted a dolphin or two. It was a good evening - and it's evenings like that that makes me love living in Savannah. 

House Update!
We're officially in! Finally all moved in and settled down. The house feels like home now. Still work to do on the yards and such, but it feels wonderful to be living out in the Wilson Woods. :)

Monday, April 7, 2008
Brings back old memories...
What I wouldn't give to go back to those simple childhood summers where everything was slow and easy.
Saw this adorable croquet set on Pottery Barn's website and it instantly took me back to those hot summers I spent at my dad's in Amarillo, TX. We used to play croquet in the backyard and I remember just how much fun it was to do something so simple and different from what we did back home at my mom's house in GA. I totally loved the game and I'm seriously going to get this cute little set so that one day I can play in my backyard with my kids and start a whole new set of memories of long, lazy summers. :)
Saw this adorable croquet set on Pottery Barn's website and it instantly took me back to those hot summers I spent at my dad's in Amarillo, TX. We used to play croquet in the backyard and I remember just how much fun it was to do something so simple and different from what we did back home at my mom's house in GA. I totally loved the game and I'm seriously going to get this cute little set so that one day I can play in my backyard with my kids and start a whole new set of memories of long, lazy summers. :)

I've never been in love like this before. I mean, this is whole-hearted, blind to all others, completely, hopelessly, undeniably L.O.V.E.
Isn't it just prrreeeettty? :)
{there are two slighly different versions of the same pattern - one is sort of a fluke and came out lighter than it should have been - this is the one that Ben and I are leaning towards!}
Crazy life!!

Wow - what a hectic few weeks it's been!! We're still going nonstop on the house and it's starting to look wonderful! The brick is all up and looks fantastic, we're still sanding and priming the sheetrock and should be done with that soon and we'll be able to start on the finish coat of paint. We've had friends chip in and help hang the trim around all the windows, baseboards and crown moulding. Just a ton of work left to do!!
{and a little side note - we are fixing the archway in the living room/kitchen - the completely retarded guy that framed our house built it all the way to the ceiling and we - being first time home builders - didn't know better and we figured out after we had already sheetrocked, sanded and primed the archway that there was no way to incorporate the crown moulding across that arch!!!!!!! The framer should have left a header across the top and created the arch from that.... so that we still had a straight space to run the moulding! So, now my poor husband is having to go back and re-frame out the arch and re-sheetrock it, re-sand it, and re-prime it. :( Just another one of those lessons learned the hard way!}
Ben and I did get to pick out our granite countertops this past weekend and I'm IN LOVE!!!! I think I can honestly say that I'm more excited about those countertops that we picked out than I am about anything else!They are positively breathtaking and we should be able to install the cabinets and countertops in another three to four weeks.
So, it's all coming together - just another couple of months now (pray to God it's less than that!!) and we'll officially be the Wilsons on New Town Road. :)
Love to all!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Gimme, gimme, gimme!!
I have been eyeing these beautiful things for a couple of months now. I keep hoping that one day they will go on sale and I can let myself splurge!!! :) These in a 7 1/2 would be a perfect addition to my shoe closet.
Loves, loves, loves!!!
Friday, March 21, 2008
These would look lovely in my spare bedroom!
I can see these two prints matted and framed to match, hanging in my spare bedroom with those adorable little nesting bowls scattered around the room. I want, I want, I NEED!
*sigh* One day....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
We have brick!
It's been a rough month out at the land and the new house. With all the rain that we've gotten here in South Ga, our front yards looks more like a swamp than anything else. And it's causing so much trouble for the big trucks that have to drive in and out of the driveway everyday. The cement truck got stuck in the backyard this past Friday and two days later, the truck that was delivering the sand for the brick mortar got stuck just off the driveway. What a weekend! We are getting to know the tow truck drivers very well at this point!
Other than that - we've started priming the sheetrock, the shingles are all up, the back patio and carport leading up to the garage have been poured and the really exciting thing is that our brick is going up! So fast too! So much left to do, but it's really taking shape now. Can't wait for y'all to see it too!

Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

We celebrated St. Pat's a little early here in Savannah this year - the parade was on Friday, March 14th. A few of us from work took off and went downtown for the parade. We had a great time, walking around and making fun of the other freaks, drinking a couple of beer and just hanging out. Good times had by all!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Looking at life a little differently....
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Random Journal pages...
I used to have time to "play" in my art journals, but not lately. Here's a couple of pages from one of my old ones.
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